So you could just buy my book on Amazon for $20 and it will take you far, but if you want to go even farther having a mentor is the way to go. My first mentor was my father, he tattooed for 40 years and ran a successful studio for 20. He knew how to make people feel comfortable and had no issues getting and keeping clients. He hasn't been able to tattoo in the last few years and people still ask him to.
Another thing I learned from him was that a person shouldn't tattoo 5 days a week all day long. The human body can't take it physically or mentally. I mean sometimes when I do a 8 hour session of Polynesian or some intense full color sleeve work, my BRAIN hurts! And my back, neck and hands do too...
Over the years I've had and still have some amazing mentors.
I figured out how to attract high profile clients, people who know tattoos are an investment. An art collector mentality if you will...
All while being a mother of 3 boys and a wife, I was able to make more money and spend more time with my family. I know it sounds weird but bare with me.